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Organic raw almond vil-star

Thin-shell Nonpareil


Our farm’s natural certification procedures are done by the CERES (Germany). The almond trees in the farmland are 5 years old and began to give its outcomes this year.

The farm was chosen as “The Best Organic Agricultural” farm in 2015 and still produces projects to be an “Organic Agricultural Training Center” in the region.

Proceeds by the consciousness that these lands in fact are the deposit from the next generations. The productivity philosophy is “contentibility”, respect the nature and “to welcome with modesty”.

The goal is to regive a birth to our production culture and our principles are; to use exact healthy incomes both under and over soil flora during our production phase. By means of the solar energy facility, the farm use the renewable natural power supply and use the main stream natural groundwater by establishing all of them at one pool.

The Organic Agricultural Research Center (FIBL) from Switzerland and Turkey’s Ecological Agriculture Organization Association (ETO) cooperatively selected the candidates for the Project of “Developing the Organic Agriculture in Turkey” as Turk-German partnership issues and after the experts analysed and checked all the details they finally chose our farmland as the “The Best Organic Agricultural” farm in 2015.

almond benefits vil-star

Almonds In Breakfast

Almonds are rich in quality protein, vitamin E, magnesium, fiber and many essential amino acids. You can also get copper, vitamin B, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and healthy fats from almonds.

Almond Vil-star

10 Reasons You Should Be Eating Almonds for Breakfast;

  1. They’re high in protein and low in carbs. This means they have what your body needs to build cells, repair tissue, regulate your digestion and give you a boost of energy without the crash later.
  2. They’re high in fiber which is great for reducing your LDL “bad” cholestorel, lowering your risk for heart disease and high blood pressure.
  3. Do you have painful periods? The vitamin E in almonds helps with blood circulation, alleviating cramps and pain associated with menstruation.
  4. The vitamin E in almonds also help prevent some types of cancer and keeps your skin healty.
  5. Almonds contain high amounts of magnesium that help control blood sugar after meals.
  6. They’re high in antioxidants that fight to keep your immune system strong and healthy.
  7. Almonds are full of GOOD fats (monounsaturated fats) which work together with the vitamin E and fiber to keep bad cholestorel levels low and reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke.
  8. They are süper portable and versatile. You can grab a handful and walk out of the door or blend them in your smoothie!
  9. They assist with weight loss by helping you feel more full with less, and longer.
  10. They are DELICIOUS!
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